Creating value from waste
An innovative solution to a global crisis
Textile waste is a huge problem globally, with up to 50 million tons generated every year from exploding consumer and industrial textile demand everywhere. Europe alone generates over 3 million tons of waste annually.
Much of this waste is down to the ‘fast fashion’ industry; it produces cheap clothing designed to meet ever-changing fashion trends, encouraging consumers to dispose of the clothing after only a few wears. Europe currently sends over 85% of this ‘used’ clothing to landfills or incineration, creating mountains of waste and huge pollution discharges.
The EU recognized this issue by placing textile waste on their Top 5 Waste Management objectives to limit landfill disposal and incineration.
Unfortunately, the EU did not provide towns and municipalities all over Europe with answers of what to do with the waste instead — then Greenful came along with an innovative solution!
Greenful is commencing production in the Netherlands of high-quality, industry-disrupting, and sustainable construction panels by recycling 5,000 tons of textile waste from mid-2024.
By 2026, we will have ramped up to 50,000 tons in our first full-scale facility. By 2030, we’ll have 10 facilities turning around 500,000 tons. We have big plans — and we’re seeing them through.

The problem we solve
Textile waste in Europe exceeds 2.8M tons p.a., with only 15% recycled. The remaining 85% goes to landfill
or is incinerated.
Plastic waste in Europe in 2018 reached 51M tons, yet just 29M of that was collected and just 9M of that was recycled, i.e. less than 18%.
Tire waste in Europe tops 3.1M tons p.a., with just 57% recycled for other uses. Another 35% of it goes to incineration
for energy production.
Eco-friendly, robust, and sustainable construction material
made from fully recycled waste
Reasons to choose Greenful
By choosing Greenful’s unique products, you’re contributing to a circular process. We’re making sustainable, load-bearing, and versatile construction panels like no other on the market.
We’ve researched production methods that dramatically reduce CO2 output, generate zero pollution or waste, yet result in construction materials that actually outperform current mainstream alternatives.
Not only is the source material 100% recycled, it’s also 100% recyclable, making Greenful’s products simultaneously the greenest and most durable in the industry. It’s a triple win for us, you and the planet.